Opened Culture is a pioneering collaboratory and strategic consultancy dedicated to empowering educational institutions and communities. We stand as a beacon for change in the educational sector, offering a unique blend of strategic insight, practical support, and community engagement to revolutionize how education is delivered and experienced.

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Submit a Case Example
Which primary dimension does your example relate to?
Which other dimensions are supported by your example? (Select all that apply)
Describe how AI literacy is being demonstrated in practice. Include the context, key takeaways, and any challenges addressed.
Who is involved in this example (select all that apply)?
Artifacts may include images, video links, lesson plans, student projects, presentations, and research reports.

Contributor Info

Your Role in Education (select all that apply):
Education Sector (select all that apply):

Submission Confirmation

Informed Consent: I acknowledge that my submission may be published on Opened Culture or WAO’s website and used in future AI literacies research and publications. I understand that it will only include identifiable information if I agree to attribution in the next question.
Would you like to be credited if we publish your submission on this website?
Would you be open to a follow-up interview?
If you select yes, a member of our research team may contact you using the email that you provided on this form.
How did you hear about this initiative?
I would like to be notified of news, events, and other opportunities with Opened Culture related to AI literacies.
We value your privacy. Your contact information will not be shared out.
